Just Better Services provides housekeeping for all your home, office and beach rental needs. Our trustworthy staff can clean as often or as little as you would like. Let our domestic engineers do the dirty work so you don’t have to! Listed below, are just some, of the many, basic housekeeping details we provide. We offer basic, specialty, and deep cleanings based on individual needs.
- Tidy up each room
- Dust/polish furniture and items
- Clean baseboards, window sills and ceiling fans
- Change/wash sheets and make bed
- Clean exterior of appliances and electronics
- Vacuum/sweep/mop/polish all floors
- Shake out or wash all rugs
- Clean/sanitize bathrooms and kitchen
- Unload/reload dishwasher
- Wash, hang up, fold and put away laundry
- Spray down/disinfect all surface areas
- Take out trash